Thursday, October 22, 2009

Giving the world

Why is it that people on deployment often find themselves giving up the world? We have to leave our wife & kids for half the year at a time at a minimum. We are stuck on a ship with nowhere to go. We work with people we can't stand day in and day out with no way to get away from them. We deal with the stresses from back home without actually being afforded the opportunity to BE home. We work hard and try to save money just to have someone else spend it. We leave our family, pets, and hobbies longing to get back to them all only to find that family has changed, the kids have grown, hobbies have ended, and pets have been re-homed without ever getting a chance to say goodbye. Why do we subject ourselves to this kind of treatment knowing that once we leave, things are only going to get worse? Why does everybody back in the comfort of their own home seem to forget about the trials, difficulties, and stresses placed upon the deployed military man? Why are we expected to be able to perform just as we would if we were home while being forced to be anywhere except home?

These are the mysteries that are going through my mind right now as I am angry, irritated, upset, hurt, and exhausted. Despite knowing that an answer will never come, I can't help but ponder them. Not even 2 months into a 6 month deployment and my world is already being turned upside down by those who should be fighting to keep it the most stable. Finances are constantly going negative, beloved pets are being re-homed out from under me, kids are growing up, friends have stopped keeping in touch, and I'm out here being expected to deal with it.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day....maybe not.

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