Monday, October 26, 2009

God is awesome!

These have been some interesting days. I've been doing evening prayer every night on my ship's intercom. For the last couple weeks, I've been reading some of the prayers of the Puritans. They are so heartfelt and genuine while giving all glory to God by acknowledging our fallen state. A few people have come up to me with complaints but most people come up to me and say how much they like them. They then continue with telling me how it made them feel guilty. That's the goal!

I also had the chance to play guitar with a new guy 2 nights ago. We played for 2 and a half hours straight. It was awesome! Turns out he led worship at his church back home. He wants to start coming to service on the ship and said he would also like to lead worship underway. Another guy who was singing along that same night heard that and said he would like to sing worship in the group. I told him I didn’t know he went to church. He said he used to and that he needs to get back into it. I asked them if they wanted to get signed up on my church mailing list and they both said yes. All of a sudden another guy who was just listening in asked to be added to it as well. There were also 2 other people who expressed an interest in going back to church again. That makes 5 people in a 2 and a half hour span who came up to me to ask about church and 2 of them want to participate in the worship group. That is incredible!

I held service last night. We normally have 2 or 3 of us if you count me. Last night, we had 7! More and more people seem to be expressing an interest. The sermon was well received for the most part and everybody said they want to come back next week. Whether they come or not will be seen but the fact that they want to makes me happy. Service went for an hour and a half but it didn't end there for me. 2 guys stuck around to talk to me one on one about stuff that confused them in the Bible. We talked for another hour and a half. Just as they were leaving, another guy (who was not at service) can walking in and caught the tail end of the one on one discussion. When the other 2 left, he sat down and started asking me some questions. That one went for another 45 minutes. That means church for me was over 3 and a half hours last night. I have no complaints at all. Please pray that God continues to do wonderful things here on the ship and that growth will occur.

Now that my 5 week series on the 5 points of Calvinism has come to an end (as of last night), I need to figure out what I'm going to teach on next Sunday.

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