Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tired yet excited

Another day. That pretty much sums up how we answer a greeting of, "How's it going?" Only a few weeks in and routine has already become boring. I guess my body realized I was getting bored because it decided to throw in a twist. I feel like crud. Headache, sore muscles, runny nose, and mucus that I dare not swallow. Add topsy turvy waves to the mix and we've got a winner. I was cleaning the other day and found myself being choked out by a dust cloud that I stirred up. I think I breathed in a bit too much and caught the crud. We'll see how long this lasts.

Last night, I worked out for the first time since last deployment. I can feel it. Not sure what I was thinking. Hopefully, it will pay off. I'd like to come home and be in a bit better shape than I was when I left. I think Tiff would like that. Because I love my wife, I'll inflict pain and misery upon my body.

The evening prayer ministry over the intercom has been going well. I will admit that it becomes a bit tiring after a while though. There are nights when I just don't feel like going all the way up to the bridge. Thankfully, another person has volunteered to go up and pray tonight. This means I will get to go straight to the shower, straight to my rack, read my book (The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink) and then straight to sleep. I woke up 4 times last night so bed sounds mighty tempting.

For now, I think we are all just ready to hit our next port visit. It is sure to be a good time. Let's just hope it isn't too good of a time for the people that choose to waste it in bars. There is one thing I've learned about the Navy over the years. If we all stay out of trouble, we may not be rewarded, but at least most people will leave us alone. However, if one person gets in trouble, stand by the stand by because we're all about to get screwed.

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