Sunday, September 20, 2009

Shark bait

Yesterday was swim call. It is a tradition where sailors get to take a break and jump off the ship into the ocean. This was only my 2nd time doing it in the 9 and a half years that I have been in the Navy. I had a blast! Nothing quite like taking a leap off of the aft missile deck and plunging into the deep. Our XO was sure to pass the word that the nearest land was 22,000 feet straight down. It's amazing how the presence of a ship can make the difference between a feeling of fun in the sun and a retake of the movie Open Water. I thought it was hilarious that they played Jaws on TV right before swim call. In the end, we all had a fantastic time.

I learned I should be a part of the paparazzi. I unknowingly took a picture (out of all 110 pics I took) of a wardrobe malfunction. I then proceeded to share the pictures with everyone on the ship by posting them to the Sharedrive. It wasn't until later that it was brought to my attention. The pic was taken down, deleted fom everybody's profiles who copied it (gotta love being a LAN admin), and then deleted from my personal camera. Whoops!

Last night was a great night for church service. I started a 5 weeks series on the 5 points of Calvinism. It was a very in depth study. Then again, most of my sermons/lessons are fairly in depth. I'm not a fan of all the shallow teaching that has consumed the postmodern church services today. Overall, it went well. There were only 3 of us but I am not concerned with merely numbers of attendance. I am concerned with speaking the Truth. One girl seemed very confused because it was not what she had grown up believing her whole life but she was having a difficult time disagreeing with Scripture simply because she had never seen it as a whole before. I am praying God will reveal His Truth to them through His holy Word. If He desires to use me as an instrument, I will consider myself to be blessed.

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